5 Symptoms of Teen Xanax Withdrawal: What to Look Out for and How to Stay Safe

The road to a successful recovery is not a smooth one. Expect muddy puddles of teen Xanax withdrawal symptoms. Rocky patches of doubts and hopelessness. Expect possible roadblocks of relapses that might force them back to square one. But despite all these distressing obstacles, there will be a congratulatory banner at the end of the line to celebrate the life-changing ordeal that your child has overcome. 

Before all that, let’s focus on the unpleasant withdrawal symptoms that your teen must deal with first. What should a teenager suffering from Xanax addiction look out for? Here are the physical and psychological Xanax withdrawal symptoms: 

Physical Symptoms:

  • Seizures.
  • Heart palpitations.
  • Physical decline.
  • Muscle spasms or stiff muscles.
  • Nausea and vomiting.

Psychological Symptoms:

  • Increased anxiety.
  • Depression.
  • Insomnia or nightmare-filled sleep.
  • Sensitivity to light and sound.
  • Paranoia.

When a teenager builds a dependency on Xanax and then tries to quit, the brain needs time to return to normal. The symptoms mentioned above are the signs that the drug is gradually and effectively leaving the body. 

Moreover, take into account that the duration of these symptoms can vary wildly. The physical symptoms may last for a few days to a week, while the psychological symptoms might last longer. Talk with your doctor before your child quits Xanax or reduces its dosage. They can help them manage the symptoms to ensure a safe detox process. 

Teen Xanax withdrawal Symptoms: Making it easier for you and your support system

Impulsively deciding to stop ‘cold turkey’ one day can be dangerous. Detoxing from Xanax is most efficiently and safely done under professional supervision. In any case, the patient will need to put in the effort. Recovery is a two-way street that requires personal work input and external medical help. 

Some ways to manage withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Attending a teen Xanax addiction treatment in Los AngelesAs withdrawal symptoms start setting in, they’ll be plagued with discomforts that can be physically and emotionally draining. Sometimes, these can be so intense as to be borderline fatal. Admitting yourself to a treatment facility will help them prevent that instances from happening.
  • Eating nutritious meals — It is beneficial to maintain a good physical condition to accommodate the changes caused by the detox process. A healthy lifestyle can only be achieved with a diet that promotes body and mind wellness. Keeping up strength by eating meals rich in vitamins and nutrients can help restore a deteriorated system.
  • Sticking to a sleep schedule — Your teen should also prioritize their mental state. Getting the right amount of sleep is crucial for that. If they can sleep peacefully, they will wake up feeling refreshed and able to think clearly. Establishing good sleeping habits and sticking to them during detox can make withdrawal more manageable.
  • Exercising and meditating — Another great way of fostering a healthy mental state is through exercising. Your teen can do yoga to combine exercise and meditation. As their detox progresses, they’ll find themselves exhibiting mindfulness.
  • Communicating with a loved one and counselor regularly — There are times when detox can be overwhelming. They’ll have to talk about those feelings with a loved one or counselor to avoid emotional breakdowns. Help them remember that they are not alone in their journey and that their support system will help them get through it.

Withdrawal Symptoms: How long do they last

According to the Food and Drug Administration, Xanax is a short-acting type of benzodiazepine that has an average half-life of 11 hours. The fact that it’s short-acting means that withdrawal symptoms will start showing as soon as the drug is no longer active in the blood’s plasma.

These withdrawal symptoms usually emerge within 12 to 24 hours after the last Xanax dose is taken and peak in 2 to 3 days before gradually subsiding in the next 1 to 2 weeks.

Short-acting benzos like Best seo service Xanax have acute withdrawal symptoms that start hours after the last dose and post-acute symptoms that may last for weeks or months. The latter can lead to relapses if they are not addressed with proper treatments.

Teen Xanax Withdrawal is a serious, potentially dangerous issue if it’s not handled correctly. If you are a parent and your child is struggling with addiction, it’s essential to seek treatment in Los Angeles right away. By doing so, you will give them the tools they need to lead healthy, happy lives once again.

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